Curated by Omar Quiñones
November 3 – December 10, 2016

There came a time when cities ran out of space and skyscrapers were built.


Traditionally, the horizontal format has been considered as narrative and the vertical as descriptive. The video has been presented so far in landscape format but the role that mobile phones are having on the way we consume information is changing this tradition. Apps like Snapchat or WhatsApp make this change in format more and more present. In a time when information and connections between people are expanding, we see the whole world all at once, from top to bottom, in a vertical perspective, and less in the horizontal format of newspapers. We have, before our very eyes, the largest panorama in history but, paradoxically, it is offered to us vertically.


Felipe Pantone ponders these questions through the pieces made in Mexico in the last month, that he will present in his latest exhibition at Celaya Brothers Gallery. The artworks present a radical break with the square format as an approach to the panorama and the vertical perspective, to the displacement and the scroll, to the speed and the consumption of information.


Text by Omar Quiñones


Felipe Pantone
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1986


He studied Arts in the UK, nevertheless his interest has always been centered on public art. His work is focused on the dynamics of the virtual space, using the Internet as the main theme. In his paintings, sculptures, audiovisual pieces and murals, he juxtaposes and even hybridizes artistic, scientific and electronic languages. He takes up elements from Op Art, Kinetic Art, and formalism, mixed with elements of the popular culture and morphs them into a hypermodern state. His aesthetics tend towards a formal synthesis leaving only allusions to the techno-urban stream like computational geometry and solid colors. Pantone directs our attention to the digital era and the increasing velocity in which technology is developed.


In 2016, he was invited to a Residency Program with Carlos Cruz-Diez, one of the most representative figures of Op and Kinetic Art. That same year, he was invited by Palais of Tokyo to create a hypnotic intervention inside the Duplex A86 tunnel, covering a 400-square-feet area. His works have been exhibited in important galleries in Asia, Australia, Europe, and Latin America.


He lives and works in Valencia, Spain.
